In the high-stakes game of digital advertising, publishers find themselves on a constantly shifting seesaw, trying to balance effective monetisation with the quest for a seamless user experience. Increasingly, users are seeking content that captivates without intrusions.

For publishers, finding innovative ways to monetise has become more crucial than ever. This means adapting and finding new ways to engage their audiences effectively and exploring new revenue streams.

Forced to turn to traditional ad formats, it’s no surprise publishers are facing growing challenges when it comes to successfully monetising. Increased indifference to banner ads coupled with the rising adoption of ad blockers has made them less effective.

The Ineffectiveness of Traditional Ad Formats

Traditional ad formats, such as banner ads, pop-ups, and interstitials amongst others, have long been the go-to choice for publishers. However, these formats are becoming less effective as a viable monetisation tool for several reasons:

  • User Annoyance: Intrusive ads disrupt the user experience, leading to frustration and irritation. Research by Hubspot showed that 73% of consumers have voiced their dislike for online pop-up ads.
  • Banner Blindness: With the proliferation of online ads, users have developed banner blindness, subconsciously ignoring or overlooking traditional display ads.
  • Ad Blocking: The widespread use of ad blockers (up to as high as 42.7% of internet users worldwide, as quoted by HootSuite) prevents ads from being displayed, causing significant revenue loss.
  • Device Compatibility: Display ads face challenges in maintaining visibility and effectiveness across various devices and platforms. 

Enter Tiles: The Ideal Ad Format for Publishers

VEVE Tiles is a non-intrusive, performance-oriented ad solution designed to achieve the delicate balance of user engagement and monetisation. A native format that showcases brand logos in the form of quick-access icons.

Tiles’ unique design entices users to interact and engage, encouraging voluntary clicks on the brand’s logo, taking them directly to the brand website. By bypassing the traditional search and navigation process, this streamlined approach ensures a more convenient user journey, culminating in a non-intrusive and satisfying user experience.

Over 200+ publishers across categories like browsers, OEMs, keyboards, extensions, launchers, etc. have leveraged Tiles and successfully achieved the intricate balance between monetization and delivering a better user experience.


Why Tiles Work? The Anatomy of a Tile

  1. Native and Lightweight Integration:

Tiles seamlessly blend into the user interface, providing a native advertising experience that feels integrated and organic to the user.

Furthermore, Tiles do not impact page load times, effectively mitigating the issue of sluggish loading speeds that many publishers face with banner and display ads. For context, a study by Google showed that 53%[1] of visits are likely to be abandoned if pages take longer than 3 seconds to load.

  1. Non-Intrusive Design:

Tiles are designed to be subtle and unobtrusive. Their compact size and visually appealing nature make them more appealing to users, reducing the likelihood of ad avoidance or ‘blindness’ towards them.

  1. Optimal Use of Real Estate:

Tiles offer the flexibility to showcase multiple brand logos within a single ad unit, allowing publishers to display a variety of advertisers in a compact space. This versatility maximizes ad revenue potential and provides advertisers with increased visibility.

  1. Immunity to Ad Blockers:

One of the significant advantages of Tiles is their immunity to ad blockers. With Tiles, you can ensure that the ads reach the intended audience without being blocked.

  1. Compliance with Privacy Standards:

By displaying brand logos without invasive tracking or data collection, Tiles align with privacy standards such as GDPR and CPRA, earning users’ trust and respect.

New Opportunities are a Tile Away

Moreover, the advertising industry is witnessing a tectonic shift with branding budgets slowly giving way to performance-based budgets as brands continue to seek high-performing ad solutions that convert, pushing publishers to change the way they operate. Native, non-intrusive ad experiences are the future, with user choice becoming paramount.

Premium brands such as Walmart, Nike, Tesco, TUI, Macy’s, Vodafone, QVC, Go.Compare, and many more are already benefitting from Tiles across the globe, including in the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, India, and Southeast Asia. By embracing formats that resonate with users, publishers can overcome some of the limitations of traditional ad formats and unlock new opportunities for sustainable growth.

Are you a publisher looking to elevate your monetisation strategy with Tiles? Contact us today to explore how this innovative ad format can revolutionise your advertising efforts and drive revenue growth.

[1] Google Ad Manager, The Need for Mobile Speed