drives 65K+ monthly
installs leveraging
VEVE's unique
on-device ads
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Key outcomes
65 K+
Monthly installs acquired
Install to sign-up rate was achieved
Retention rate was achieved on day 1 and 12% on day 7
About the brand

Loco is one of the most recognized game streaming platforms in India. The brand came into existence in 2017 and has become the platform of choice for both gamers and viewers in the recent years.

The Story

Gaming has emerged as one of the fastest-growing industries in the Indian entertainment space. India's young demography, inexpensive internet data, COVID-19 restrictions and a growing number of smart device users has resulted in a growth of active gamers to 390 Mn+ across the country [1]. The meteoric rise of gamers presented an opportunity to develop a local streaming platform that could connect 100 Mn+ active YouTube gaming subscribers to stream or view games on a 'local' platform [2]. Loco leveraged this opportunity to become one of the most popular streaming platforms in India today.

The challenge

Loco wanted to acquire these active gamers across the country using non-traditional advertising channels beyond search and social media. They were looking for a single OEM advertising partner who could help them get this incremental reach and drive installs at scale. The brand also wanted to minimize the rate of fraudulent installs and acquire high-quality users displaying a high retention rate.

Campaign objective

Loco wanted to:

  • Achieve incremental reach beyond traditional channels of search and social media
  • Drive app installs at scale with an average install-to-signup rate of 60-70%
  • Maintain a high retention rate of 30% on day 1 and 10% on day 7
The solution

VEVE helped the brand scale their user acquisition campaign by enabling them to advertise directly across leading mobile handsets (OEMs) and premium mobile apps.

The campaign targeted male audiences, aged between 16-25 years in tier 1 and tier 2 cities.

VEVE's unique on-device ad formats enabled the brand to capture user's attention at high intent touchpoints on OEMs and popular mobile apps to drive incremental conversions.

  • App recommendation ads were placed across various OEMs, default app stores, and keyboards apps. Loco's logo was placed on the suggested apps and hot apps sections on OEMs and default app stores. Keyboard apps like Baidu and Desh showcased the app's logo when a user typed keywords like 'online gaming', 'streaming', 'game feed', etc.
  • Universal ads are customizable banner ads that were placed across premium mobile apps. Compelling banner creatives and messaging was used to drive the target audience to join the Loco community.
Browser Keyboard Browser
  • Universal
  • App Recommendation
  • App Recommendation
The results
1 Mn+
Monthly clicks garnered
Click-to-install rate was maintained
65 K+
Monthly installs acquired
Install to sign-up rate was achieved
Retention rate was achieved on day 1 and 12% on day 7
Sumon Chandra
Chief Growth Officer, Loco
VEVE's unique advertising solutions helped us bridge the gap between an amazing product and a high-quality audience. The retention rate of the acquired users was quite high as compared to the traditional advertising channels. I would highly recommend VEVE's performance marketing solutions to brands looking to scale app install campaigns rapidly.
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