RummyCircle partners with
VEVE to drive 3X higher
ROI with industry
disruptive on-device
ad solutions
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Key outcomes
33 mn
daily impressions delivered
daily app installs
ROI acquired (significantly higher than the initially set expectations)
About the brand
RummyCircle is a front runner in the online gaming industry that enables users to play rummy competitively and win cash prizes. The platform has evolved exponentially and offers fast gameplay as per international standards, entertainment, and secure transactions.
The story

Customers felt increasingly isolated with restrictions on movement during the lockdown. It encouraged them to turn to alternate sources to socialize – online gaming. The demand for online games increased, and the industry grew rapidly at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 40% this year[1]. The future of the online gaming industry shows much promise. There are currently over 300 million[2] million online gaming users in the country, and the number is consistently growing. The industry has high growth potential and is expected to hit $2.8 billion by 2024[3].

The challenge

With the increase in accessibility to mobile devices and the evolving ecosystem of digital payments, there has been a surge in the number of players in the real money skill gaming industry. However, at the same time, players are baffled by the available options as there are multiple platforms to choose from, making it difficult for the skill gaming platforms to effectively reach out to the customers and be their 'preferred' choice.

Campaign objective

RummyCircle launched a campaign with the following objectives:

  • Establish an effective digital distribution beyond search & social media channels to drive customer acquisitions at scale
  • Target players in specific locations or states, who display a relatively higher inclination to not only deposit money on the app but also display a high retention rate
  • Optimize cost-per-acquisition to drive a positive ROI for RummyCircle
The solution

VEVE identified and placed RummyCircle’s ads across unique on-device placements on mobile OEMs. This was done using innovative ad formats such as:

  • Tiles ads were used on smartphone default browsers to reach highly interested customers before they even began their online journey.
  • Notification ads was leveraged to push RummyCircle’s ads on mobile lock screens. They were:
    • Customized at a state level. For instance, in North India, the content of the ads was displayed in regional languages (e.g., Hindi) along with respective offers
    • Pushed through content websites and placed across key touchpoints such as browsers, apps, and more to reach the right customers at the right time
  • Ads were also placed on various mobile specific app stores to further drive app installs for the brand.
  • VEVE also ran several A/B tests to draw performance insights and optimize inventory placements while the campaign was live. This resulted in not only achieving high quality players but also drove a positive ROI for the brand.
Tiles Keyboard Browser
  • Tiles (Browser)
  • Tiles (Browser)
  • Tiles (Browser)
The results
33 mn daily impressions delivered
>5000 daily app installs; ensured cost-per-deposit was at par or better than other channels
>1000 registrations acquired per month
>10% lead-to-paid player conversion rate
>1% click-to-lead conversion rate
>3% ROI acquired, significantly higher than the initially set expectations
Gaurav Verma
Director - User Growth Games24x7
We've had a successful partnership with VEVE and our engagement has helped us in onboarding new players on the platform. VEVE's solution-oriented approach has worked brilliantly and we would love to partner with them again in the future.
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