Indonesian super app
Traveloka makes
a phenomenal comeback
by Gamifying
User Experience
and leveraging VEVE's
On-Device Mobile Ads
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Key outcomes
5 mn+
users reached per month
click-to-install rate
daily app installs
lower cost-per-install as compared to search and social channels
lower cost-per-active user
2 of 5
acquired users carried out transactions
About the brand

Traveloka started as an online air ticket booking company back in 2012. It has now become a unicorn business that is a one-stop solution for all travel and lifestyle requirements in Indonesia. The super app's diverse offerings include booking services for car rentals, attraction tickets, financial services, healthcare services, vouchers for salons, movie tickets, restaurants, and more.

The Story

Like every other travel and related services brand, Traveloka took a big hit during COVID-19. The number of cancellations alone amounted to $100 million.[1] To address the declining rate of users during COVID-19 and loosening product efficacy towards travel, Traveloka changed the route to acquire users by creating in-app gaming to increase app attractiveness and engagement beyond travel products. This gaming section called 'Reward Zone' was amplified to potential users of Traveloka platform and as a result, helping Traveloka to acquire users without focusing only on product incentive campaigns.

The challenge

Traveloka faced the following challenges while acquiring new users:

  • Excessive reliance on search and social channels
  • High cost of user acquisition
Campaign objective

Traveloka wanted to:

  • Get incremental reach beyond the standard search & social media channels
  • Acquire users at scale via app installs who interacted with the newly introduced Reward Zone section
  • Ensure users displayed a high retention rate and transacted across categories
The solution

To meet the performance requirements of the campaign, VEVE devised a unique strategy.

Creative Strategy:

  • The campaign messaging was crafted to invite new users to play mini games in the Reward Zone section.
  • The messaging was optimized based on the engagement rate of various games in the Reward Zone section, the game played the most was featured on the ads.
  • Users who played and won rewards were prompted to redeem their points to avail different services on the app.
Browser Keyboard Browser
  • Splash
  • App Recommendation
  • App Recommendation

Placement and optimization:

  • VEVE identified OPPO & Realme as the most premium ad placements that could provide highly engaged users for Traveloka.
    • OPPO & Realme contributed to a hefty ~30% market share in Indonesia, so a quality reach was guaranteed.
    • Ad placements across OPPO & Realme devices were identified which displayed better retention as well as transaction rates.
    • In addition to the banners, recommended apps section was a key placement on OPPO and Realme which helped acquire high quality users.
  • Once the scale was achieved on OPPO & Realme devices, campaign was scaled across other OEMs including Vivo, Xiaomi, and utility apps like SHAREit and other premium mobile apps.
  • To reach out to relevant users, multiple targeting options were used including geo-based, demographic, interest-based (lifestyle), device type, and device price.
  • The campaign was optimized with A/B tests and then was scaled to ensure click through rate (CTR) & engagement rate were in line with Traveloka's business goals.
The results
5 million+ users reached per month
15-20% click-to-install rate
~1000+ daily app installs
Cost-per-install was 10% lower than search and social channels
Cost-per-active users was 30% lower as compared to other advertising channels
~75% of the acquired users interacted with the Reward Zone section
2 in every 5 acquired users carried out transactions
Out of 7 categories, every user was transacting on at least 2 categories
Jagad Narendra
Digital Marketing Performance Lead Traveloka
Results of the strategic partnership with VEVE were unprecedently high. While testing new categories on our app, VEVE provided us with creative solutions and expert knowledge to acquire the most relevant audience at scale. The partnership has yielded a great outcome and we look for future collaborations.
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